Thursday, June 2, 2016

Versatile Cell Phone Display Not Working Problem and Solution – How to Solve Display Fault in any Mobile Cell Phone

Versatile Cell Phone Display Not Working Problem and Solution – How to Solve Display Fault in any Mobile Cell Phone

What is Display in a Mobile Cell Phone? 

Show in a portable wireless is an electronic segment or part that sees all projects in a cell telephone. Showcase is accessible in various sizes. Showcase is controlled by the CPU. In some Mobile Phones there is an Interface IC called Display IC amongst Display and CPU.

Sorts of Faults or Problems with Display in any Mobile Cell Phone 

.Presentation is clear. 

.Show not working appropriately. 

.Just Half Display Works. 

.White Display. 

.Show Upside Down. 

.Presentation is Broken. 

At the point when the Mobile Phone is Switched ON, the Logo Appears and after that the Display Disappears. 

Portable Cell Phone Display Not Working Problem and Solution – How to Solve Display Fault in any Mobile Cell Phone 

1.Clean Display Tips and Display Connector. 

2.Exchanged the Display Connector. 

3.Change the Display. 

4.Check Display Track. 

5.Exchanged or Change the Display IC. 

6.Heat, Reball or Change the CPU. 


In some slider cell telephone sets, if there is Display issue then it is predominantly in view of defective Display Track. Change the track to take care of the issue. 

In the event that the Display is topsy turvy OR just half Display OR the Display is broken then change the Display. 

In the event that there is white Display and the showcase is changed yet the issue is not fathomed then RELOAD SOFTWARE. 

In some cell telephones like Nokia 6600, N72 and so on, when the set is Switched ON, the Nokia Logo shows up and after that the Display vanishes. This is issue of BOOT IC. Change the BOOT IC to take care of the issue.

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